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Application Context Menus

Context menus (or "right-click popup" menus) come in two flavors: application-wide or control-specific. This article focuses on the former. Implementing the Application Popup Menu The first step in creating a context menu is simple: use the Visual Studio resource editor to create the menu you wish to display. Make sure that you give it a unique ID; I will use the value IDR_POPUP_MENU for this example. Add to the menu the various menu items that you want to include. Note that your context menu should only have one top-level item (under which all other menu items will be placed). The caption for this top-level item can be whatever you like since the user will never see it. If you are mapping menu items in this context menu to commands that already exist in the program (as is likely), make sure that you give each menu item the appropriate ID. For example, if the ID to my "Open File" command in my main application menu is ID_FILE_OPEN, I would give that same ID to the c
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Advanced Windows Registry Access

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Simple Windows Registry Access

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Component Object Model FAQ's

1. What is IUnknown? What methods are provided by IUnknown? It is a generally good idea to have an answer for this question if you claim you know COM in your resume. Otherwise, you may consider your interview failed at this point. IUnknown is the base interface of COM. All other interfaces must derive directly or indirectly from IUnknown. There are three methods in that interface: AddRef, Release and QueryInterface. 2. What are the purposes of AddRef, Release and QueryInterface functions? AddRef increments reference count of the object, Release decrements reference counter of the object and QueryInterface obtains a pointer to the requested interface. 3. What should QueryInterface functions do if requested object was not found? Return E_NOINTERFACE and nullify its out parameter. 4. How can you create an instance of the object in COM? Well, it all depends on your project. Start your answer from CoCreateInstance or CoCreateInstanceEx, explain the difference between them. If interviewe

Visual C++ FAQs part-2

Q 1.01 Is there any function to minimize the window? A. ThatsAlok quoted :- If you are using MFC: this->ShowWindow(SW_MINIMIZE); If you are using Win32 API based application: ShowWindow(hWnd,SW_MINIMIZE); Q 1.02 How do I stop appearing of the SQL Sever login dialog again and again? A. renjith_sree quoted :- Use CDatabase::noOdbcDialog as the second parameter in OpenEx() method. E.g.: extern CDatabase oDb; extern CString csConnection; oDb.OpenEx(csConnection, CDatabase::noOdbcDialog ); This will suppress the login dialog. Q 1.03 How can I access USB port (COM 5)? A. Antti Keskinen quoted :- The USB is a bus that resides in the computer. The low-level drivers (supplied by Microsoft) allow the bus to enumerate and identify a piece of hardware and then send a request to the registry to find the correct function driver for the device by using the vendor and product IDs returned by the USB descriptors. This is how the bus works in a nutshell. Your computer systems might have a pseudo-devi